©1989–2025 RUSS REVOCK,  Cleveland, Ohio USA.           Contact

Reproduction or distribution of the artwork or text without permission is prohibited.

Meat Street Inquisition
Desire For Infection
The Chronic Acquaintances of Non-Singularity
Burning Bay Village Compulsion
At Home in the Gauntlet of Dangerous Exchanges
False Emergence
A Midsummer's Nightmare of a Dream Come True
Now Suffering the Counsel of Non-Sensory Opinion Addicts
An Equivalent Parasite Preserving the Majority of One
Comfortable Oppression Within the Imaginary Inside
A Curtain Call for One and All in the Theater of Ceremonial Scrutiny
Gallery Scene
Considering the Minister of Eyes
Two Stories of a Two-Story Varicose Incompetent
In Praise of Mechanics
The Habits of Simulacra
Apostles of the Tattered Master

     PAINTINGS    Selected works, 1991–2019