©1989–2025 RUSS REVOCK,  Cleveland, Ohio USA.           Contact

Reproduction or distribution of the artwork or text without permission is prohibited.

     PRINTS    Selected works, 1998–2024

Skull Division and the Post-Dramatic St. Valentine's Day Infarction
Command Performance
Wasted Hope of the Unsevered
A Request For Sequestered Yesterdays
The Cautious Approach
The Patron Saint of Parasite Equivalence
A Part and Apart
Self-Portrait #1
A Portrait of the Sexes
Artist With Angular Existence
Tentative Figure in a Nightcap with Marching Ants
Draining the Misfit
Split Your Face and Tend the Bone Garden
What's Under the Microscope
A Community of Incurious Bodies
Sometimes I Think Too Far Ahead
The Making of a Stranger
A Night at the Gallery and a Moment of Perplexity for the Septic Elite
Nesting in the Ambient Malevolence
Agents of Persuasion
Staying Cool Among the Paperers [2]
Under Watchful Eye and Leprous Caress
The Fungal Academic
The Guardian of Viral Indifference
Regaining You Brain in the Scarecrow's Domain
Playing Too Long with Dolls
Board of Dissectors
Punishing Circus Disturbance
Daily Maelstrom
Somatic Bystander Delayed by Peripheral Visions
A Surgical Diversion from Times Gone Bad
Spectacularly Efficient Dystopia
Distressed Figure with Negative Thoughts and Infected Routines
The Professor
House Party for Post-Animate Professionals
A Violent Occupation
Staying Cool Among the Paperers [1]
Symphonic Exploratory Battery [1]
Symphonic Exploratory Battery [2]
Reluctant Meatshop Apprentice
Self-Portrait #2
I Awoke in a Place Where the Natives Rose Like Fungus
The Pop-Up Doppelgängers of the Professoriate
The Hidden Rites of Rabid Academics
Screen Test at the Rat Factory
The Easy Meat
The Worship of Bubbles